Item used to describe a property on a set that is false only on a measurable set with zero measure.
1He wanted to go almost everywhere, especially Madrid, especially the North Pole.
2Authoritarianism is resurgent and confidence in democratic institutions in decline almost everywhere.
3He also loved Marley, his Great Dane, who accompanied him almost everywhere.
4Once you've heard about GitHub, you start to see it almost everywhere.
5June, July and August averaged two degrees Celsius above normal almost everywhere.
6I take the children almost everywhere, and they walk miles every day.
7German East Africa is in many places barren and almost everywhere malarious.
8Thus established, the system spread slowly, till to-day it exists almost everywhere.
9The appearance of these ranges is almost everywhere bare, arid, and forbidding.
10With his light birch canoe he can go almost everywhere he desires.
11They were victorious almost everywhere, thanks to their wonderful spirit and discipline.
12Mr. Murray, who has seen society almost everywhere, is charmed with this.
13But now smoke wreathed them, billowing in plumes from almost everywhere within.
14Europe is leaning almost everywhere towards the extremes and towards nationalism.
15Remote access to CRM is available almost everywhere it's needed worldwide.
16It grows almost everywhere in the world, but most thrivingly in the tropics.
Translations for almost everywhere