Separately, in regard to space or company; in a state of separation.
1However, someone who's perhaps slightly aloof will be more approachable after today!
2It is also somewhat aloof-onebloom per stem, one stem per plant.
3The Party leader, aloof and amused, gave Young the signal to begin.
4In Peloponnesus, the powerful city of Argos and the Achaeans stood aloof.
5Meanwhile, Canney's idea of Moss as aloof from English art has stuck.
6I feel like I did during orientation week-anxious ,outof place, aloof.
7Yet the theatre in England remains almost entirely aloof from real life.
8Perhaps the Days saw themselves as enlightened, standing aloof from that paradox.
9However, someone rather aloof and enigmatic is likely to catch your eye.
10He returned it, still aloof, and said, There ain't any visitor's parking.
11The previous administration of George W. Bush stood aloof from the body.
12He's intensely thoughtful about the whole thing, and private, and quite aloof.
13He was better liked than du Tancret but considered cold and aloof.
14From the anguish of the day before he held himself carefully aloof.
15These all held themselves quite aloof from the masses of the people.
16The Society itself, however, kept aloof from the battle of the journals.
Aloof per variant geogràfica