Examples for "ambient"
Examples for "ambient"
1The truth: This week's finest example of chillwave synth-pop meets ambient dream-pop.
2Both confirmed that emissions would be within existing ambient air quality standards.
3Background: Mortality has been shown to increase with extremely hot ambient temperatures.
4Iain: This will help fire the ambient lighting off in different directions.
5Reading was performed in a dedicated reading room with ambient light conditions.
1Creepy ambient music seeped out from under one of the closed bedroom doors.
2But would you buy an album of ambient music written for car commercials?
3Soft lighting, ambient music and calming fragrances help lull customers into a rejuvenating rest.
4I'm like the Midlands Moby, but without the ambient music.
5But the pieces don't ramble on formlessly as ambient music is wont to do.
6To some extent, this was how ambient music emerged.
7His voice is as soothing as his ambient music.
8Reefdive ambient music bumped softly from hidden speakers.
9And what's the difference between ambient music and aural wallpaper, relaxation and aural wallpaper, relaxation and irritation?
10The sumptuous, chiming ambient music helps too.
11A young kid was using the speakers installed for an ambient music project to play his Smurfs tape.
12When you boot up PS4, the menu is subtle, almost ethereal, with swirling blue lines and ambient music.
13Transcript ( ambient music) Games are so different from other forms of media that we're used to using.
14Transcript ( ambient music) Well we went out for, what was supposed to be a light 40 mile ride.
15The result is a soundscape bonanza infused with a melange of jazz, country, dub reggae, funk, rock and ambient music.
16Surely for Ireland's most can-do guy, it's only a matter of time before he turns his hands to ambient music?
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Translations for ambient music