These young girls, like all the other women, wore waist-cloths made of bandelets of cotton, which is the costume of the women of Cariai.
Ús de annulet en anglès
But for the badge of princehood, the fringed ribbon dependent from a gem-crusted annulet over each temple, his habiliments were the same as the Pharaoh's.
So too were the columns, including, probably, their capitals, except between the annulets.
She paused to rest in Annulet, her new and perfect circle of a sitting room.
Through Wains with its altogether men, and circle-perfect Annulet, then Ninewise, all nonchalant with its new-namedness.
Through circle-perfect Annulet and up the unnamed stair.
By the annulets over his temples and the fringed ribbons pendent therefrom, the Israelite knew him to be royal.