Encara no tenim significats per a "apathetic manner".
1Mr. Harkaway at once sprung from his usual cold, apathetic manner into full action.
2He carried the paper in triumph to Northborough; but was again received in a cold and apathetic manner.
3The contrast between the "all-alive" air of the one class and the apathetic manner of the other, was quite striking.
4Vanished was the slow, sleepy, apathetic manner that had characterized him; his ears lay back on his head; fire flashed from his eyes.
5She looked up and answered the young man's greeting with apathetic manner, apparently quite indifferent to the scene she had just passed through.
6They had now reached the locality where the dreaded danger lay, and slowly the carts moved along the road in their usual apathetic manner.
7Mr. Carr, behind the counter, a toothless, unpleasant-looking old man, was exhibiting in an apathetic manner a piece of fat bacon to a customer.
8There was something in the apathetic manner in which the old man pointed out the future fate of his own child, that actually silenced Kornicker.
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