Encara no tenim significats per a "appoint regent".
1This, my kinswoman, I now appoint regent in all matters appertaining to my kingdom on earth, next to myself.
2Espartero, after some interval, was himself appointed Regent by the Cortes.
3Lionel, Edward's second son, was appointed regent during his father's absence.
4There were some who wondered that the Princess of Denmark was not appointed Regent.
5In 1867 he was appointed regent of Turkey during the sultan's visit to the Paris Exhibition.
6His mother, Queen Maria Christina, was appointed regent during his minority (see SPAIN: History.)
7George Podiebrad was intrusted with the regency of Bohemia; and John Hunniades was appointed regent of Hungary.
8The prince being only an infant, Kafur, the favourite minister of the late caliph, was appointed regent.
91945: On the 1st of January Archbishop Damaskinos was appointed Regent.
10Woe to us, if the queen is appointed regent, and the king selects the Seymours as her ministers!
11The Queen desired to be appointed regent, but, to her intense vexation, the appointment was given to Charles Albert.
12Marie, the widow of Henry IV., was appointed regent during the minority of her son Louis aged ten years.
13Margaret of Parma, newly appointed Regent of the Netherlands, was the natural daughter of Charles the Fifth, and his eldest born child.
14Should this not happen, but the other, it seems generally agreed that the Prince of Wales must be appointed Regent, with kingly power.
15His eldest son by Mumtaz Mahal, called Dara Shikoh, a gracious and generous Prince, but headstrong and intolerant of advice, was appointed Regent.
16Buchanan at once sailed for England, but soon made his way to Paris, where in 1553 he was appointed regent in the college of Boncourt.