The issue of the Armenianmassacres is deeply sensitive in Turkey.
He used his appearance to repeat remarks about the Armenianmassacre that could send him to jail for three years.
Zarakolu is on trial for publishing a translation of a book about the Armenianmassacres, which Ankara denies amounted to genocide.
Now for something primordial and savage, even though it were as bad as an Armenianmassacre, to set the balance straight again.
The issue of the Armenianmassacre is so sensitive here that Turks seem willing to risk ties with their main allies over it.
Top News Armenianmassacre: 100 years on Posted Armenia mourns the massacre of 1.5 million people by Ottoman Turks a century ago.
The European Parliament, perhaps twisting in the wind of doubt over other issues, last week demanded that Turkey acknowledge the 1915 Armenianmassacres as "genocide".
Yet I have heard an English officer say that nothing pleases a Russian more than to ask, "When is there to be another Armenianmassacre?"