Artistic technique and discipline of drawing.
Examples for "drawing"
Examples for "drawing"
1They managed it, however, drawing the body clear of high water mark.
2However, bankers said earlier this month the deal was finally drawing closer.
3However, right now we are in the drawing board stage, Sachdev said.
4Sports rights are also drawing lively interest in other parts of Europe.
5Ms Feary said drawing on the resources of the community made sense.
1I gave her a quarter-of-an-hour's lesson in the art of drawing cheques.
2You may have the art of drawing it out.
3THE art of drawing a weather map is less important now than it was some years ago.
4Gerrymandering is, of course, the dark art of drawing a legislative map that favors your political party.
5The priestly king Numa passed for an adept in the art of drawing down lightning from the sky.
6That immortal pedagogue owed much of his deserved success to his skill in the art of drawing an advertisement:-
7A new field thus opens for skilled cultivators of the beautiful who have an eye for the art of drawing.
8Priests have the art of drawing from the persecutions themselves, a convincing proof in favour of the religion of the persecuted.
9Still further to improve himself in the art of drawing, my father devoted his evenings to attending the Edinburgh Drawing Academy.
10She has a perfect and rare knowledge of the art of drawing and a faculty for seizing the character of things.
11They understood the art of drawing his thoughts insensibly from his soul, and then with a little delicate management to surprise him with them.
12But were I to hold up a picture for your inspection, you could not properly appreciate it were you ignorant of the art of drawing.
13The art of drawing and shooting a "six-gun" with quickness and certainty was often a useful part of the cowboy's training, Phil explained cheerfully.
14And anon alone with me about the art of drawing pictures by Prince Rupert's rule and machine, and another of Dr. Wren's;
15'His power of reasoning is very strong, and he has a peculiar art of drawing characters, which is as rare as good portrait painting.'
Translations for art of drawing