Encara no tenim significats per a "assert by".
1I don't know what the Lincolns are there to do, what they want to assert by slapping on those lipless fake beards.
2Who is not compelled to admit the truth of what I assert by that agreeable, uniform, and continued agreement of things in the universe?
3The prospect of a speedy arrangement has contributed hitherto to induce on both sides forbearance to assert by force what each claims as a right.
4Predictions assert by 2020 half of all searches will be done through dictation, and 30% of all queries will be performed without a screen.
5Germany, it is asserted by Mitchell, lost probably twelve millions of people.
6This, then, is the British claim, as asserted by her Majesty's government.
7The reality of their situation had been asserted by the exchange with Micah.
8The same thing is asserted by the hunters in the Alps.
9This was denied by the Dominicans and asserted by the Franciscans.
10These principles, it is true, were originally asserted by a small party only.
11It granted every right, railway, wharf, and gold, asserted by Storri.
12The trustee said the plan would wrongly release Apollo from claims asserted by creditors.
13It has been asserted by one of our profound and most gifted statesmen that-
14This compound was asserted by its inventor to be a perfect substitute for caoutchouc.
15As far as I remember, this was not asserted by any one except myself.
16Bucer claimed to represent a middle doctrine, such as was later asserted by Calvin.
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