This MgO is spread over land to carbonate for a year by reacting with atmosphericCO 2 .
The Southern Ocean plays a crucial role in regulating atmosphericCO 2 on centennial to millennial time scales.
AtmosphericCO(2) enrichment is a biodiversity issue.
Increasing levels of atmosphericCO 2 are expected to enhance crop yields and alter soil greenhouse gas fluxes from rice paddies.
If we continue on our current business-as-usual path, we're on track for close to two doublings of atmosphericCO 2 .
Tropical forests absorb large amounts of atmosphericCO 2 through photosynthesis, but high surface temperatures suppress this absorption while promoting isoprene emissions.
Changing amplitude of the seasonal cycle of atmosphericCO 2 (SCA) in the northern hemisphere is an emerging carbon cycle property.
If BECCS involves replacing high-carbon content ecosystems with crops, then forest-based mitigation could be more efficient for atmosphericCO 2 removal than BECCS.
Our results thus highlight two distinct modes of Southern Ocean circulation and biogeochemistry associated with centennial-scale atmosphericCO 2 jumps during the last deglaciation.
Increasing atmosphericCO 2 stimulates photosynthesis which can increase net primary production (NPP), but at longer timescales may not necessarily increase plant biomass.
And they more than once ran across empty databases, like the Global Change Data Center's reports archive and one of NASA's atmosphericCO 2 datasets.