A Tupi–Guaraní language of the state of Goiás, in the Amazon region of Brazil.
Examples for "canoe"
Examples for "canoe"
1The canoe was overset in consequence in the middle of the rapid.
2The frailest canoe is safe even in the clutches of the fiercest.
3He pulled the canoe up on the bank and considered the situation.
4George and I went ashore in the canoe; Wallace in ship's boat.
5Hubbard picked the rod up tenderly and put it in the canoe.
1They'll never know it was you. Then she looked toward Ava's property.
2I came here in disguise, having made my way down from Ava.
3David Oyelowo, Ava DuVernay and Oprah Winfrey on the set of Selma.
4A few droplets of coffee dribbled from Ava's cup onto the table.
5Then Ava told her about the Nolan video where he'd threatened Granger.
Translations for avá-canoeiro