Encara no tenim significats per a "avoid premature".
1Protease activity has to be strictly regulated in order to avoid premature Gag and Pol processing before virus assembly.
2Thus, clinicians must be cognizant of the phenomenon of scintigraphic flare to avoid premature discontinuation of a potentially beneficial treatment.
3Swinging to the left to avoid premature contact with the train, Mosby hurried his column in the direction of Berryville.
4He said improving air quality would reduce the burden on health services, help avoid premature deaths and cut the incidence of respiratory problems.
5For those waiting for much-needed kidneys, hearts, liver and lungs, the figures represent a severe setback to their hopes of avoiding premature death.
6He has emphasized the need to move with "all due speed" in reuniting families and addressing asylum issues, while avoiding premature deportations.
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