The azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it and the plane of the meridian.
A state in southwestern United States; site of the Grand Canyon.
Examples for "ad"
Examples for "ad"
1Furthermore, many ad-hoc CR-related meetings and conference activities take place across Europe.
2A 1947 ad taken out by the government Food supplies were affected.
3Viacom has taken its case to the public in an ad campaign.
4Last year, Wal-Mart introduced an ad campaign with the slogan Save Money.
5Feed and water were provided ad libitum throughout the 21-d study period.
1I will answer you ten questions az honest az I am able.
2Narho ûdim etal os formvn mendûnost brakn, az Varden, hrestvog dûr grimstnzhadn!
3Now, as fah az I'm concoined, yahs fuckin' trained,' he jeered.
4The verb to be, is expressed in Chayma by az.
5I demanded, and before Al-tan could reply, Chal-az raised his voice in our behalf.
6Chal-az was absent for a long time-severalhours which seemed an eternity to me.
7Shiraz (pronounced Shir-az') is another red variety which is extensively cultivated in Australia.
8When Chal-az arose, he glanced at the sky and remarked that it looked like rain.
9Here Chal-az motioned me to a seat upon a furry hide spread upon the earthen floor.
10If you ain't took it summun else az.
11He's here with some of his folks az hez got inter trouble-I'mforgettin' to tell ye.
12Thae beast iz dead az a door-nail.
13The fifth Nosk, whereof not any portion remains to us, was called the Do az ah Hamast.
14It iz an old institushun, older than the pyramids, and az phull ov hyrogliphicks that noboddy kan parse.
15The ETK-1 cells appeared to be converted into hepatocytes by exposure to 5-azaCR.
16It iz wel, az Milton obzervz, tu giv the bodi rest diuring the ferst konkokshon ov the prinsipal meal.