We have no meanings for "balloting on" in our records yet.
1 Unions are balloting on strike action over the state of the buildings.
2 STAFF at Wheatfield Prison in Dublin are balloting on industrial action this week.
3 Five more schools are balloting on one-day strikes next month.
4 Unions at Tallaght Hospital begin balloting on industrial action today because of threatened staff lay-offs.
5 Workers are to begin balloting on the proposals this week, with a result expected by Friday.
6 This effort is testing voting laws designed around in-person balloting on Election Day, election experts said.
7 Unions at Tallaght Hospital will begin balloting on industrial action on Monday because of threatened staff layoffs.
8 The CPSU, which represents clerical grades, is already balloting on whether to call a half day strike.
9 Republican officials working to promote mail balloting on social media have been met with resistance from Trump supporters.
10 Dublin Bus workers are to begin balloting on Labour Court proposals on cost cutting measures at the company today.
11 Train drivers have begun balloting on proposals to end the long-running dispute over parity between DART and mainline services.
12 Nurses in Kerry General Hospital are balloting on industrial action amid higher-than-normal levels of sick leave among the staff.
13 Bus and rail workers are likely to begin balloting on a proposed strike next week, following a union meeting today.
14 On Thursday, Philippine security forces went on full alert, anticipating political violence would accelerate ahead of balloting on May 14.
15 Workers at Dunnes Stores are to begin balloting on industrial action over the company's rejection of a Labour Court recommendation.
16 This week, members of the ASTI are balloting on a proposal to withdraw from voluntary supervision and substitution duties in schools.
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This collocation consists of: Balloting on across language varieties