Encara no tenim significats per a "base ethanol".
1Right now corn- based ethanol is the leading biofuel in the United States.
2Brazil is the world's largest sugar and cane- based ethanol producer and exporter.
3Sugar cane- based ethanol is a more clear cut case as an energy producer.
4New types of biofuels are currently more expensive to produce than corn- based ethanol.
5Corn- based ethanol is a bigger, older industry with broader support, especially from farmers.
6It's also why U.S. based ethanol is the cheapest today in the world.
7Corn- based ethanol is currently the dominant biofuel in the United States.
8The food-versus-fuel debates that plague biofuels like corn- based ethanol would disappear.
9Corn- based ethanol companies have struggled to remain profitable amid volatile corn and oil prices.
10That is expected to lower life-cycle emissions from corn- based ethanol.
11Cane- based ethanol emits 90 percent less greenhouse gases than gasoline.
12Tax credits for corn- based ethanol and biodiesel cost around $6 billion a year.
13The Renewable Fuels Standard guarantees a share of the motor fuel market for corn- based ethanol.
14The company also produces corn- based ethanol biofuel at four plants in the Midwestern United States.
15Karsner said he did not know when U.S. supplies of corn- based ethanol would top out.
16Corn- based ethanol plants shuttered after the administration granted waivers to dozens of exempting oil refineries.