To clean oneself by immersion in water.
Submerging of the body into water either for washing or for recreation.
1You bathe in the Channel in the very prose of the day.
2Yet in one respect the Persians are very clean; they bathe often.
3There Eva bade the children undress and go bathe in the waters.
4Being out of bed and able to bathe: it's a small victory.
5Women bathe their children in playgrounds with water drawn from public wells.
6My forehead hurt and I wanted to bathe it with cold water.
7Each fellow can bathe his feet in cold water before turning in.
8But in unfrequented places tapirs both feed and bathe during the day.
9Port, they bathe, and in the afternoon they drive to the Point.
10Then seven of the women went out to bathe in a pool.
11Never bathe in cool or cold water when the body is cold.
12Agnes could only seize her pale hand and bathe it in tears.
13Preserve evidence of the attack - don't bathe or brush your teeth.
14He had risen early, and had gone to bathe in the river.
15It is the custom, in this climate, to bathe morning and evening.
16She had come alone to the Irrylyn to bathe and to remember.
Bathe per variant geogràfica