Aircraft class designed for aerial warfare.
1The high-powered scout and battle plane rose with a rush and almost immediately began to climb, spiraling in long acute sweeps and turns.
2They've got Sturtevant steel battle planes-givenby Mrs. Bliss-yes ,Mrs.William H. Bliss.
3These are the scouting, or battle planes, and carry but two men and a machine gun.
4Sausages do not fight back much but are protected by support battle planes and in other ways.
5At the same time other planes in the west appeared, biplanes, scouts, and one or more heavy battle planes.
6Both scouting and bombing planes are protected by the fastest flyers of all-thebattle planes, as they are called.
7Deploying as they advanced, both Blaine and Bangs could see that there were battle planes, scouts, and heavy bombing machines.
8"If we're a battle plane, where's our guns?"
Translations for battle plane