Encara no tenim significats per a "be a glint".
1Now and then, among the trees, there would be a glint of glassy slag, usually in a fairly small circle.
2Mixed up somewhere in the smile was a glint of irony too.
3There was a glint of pride in Aldric's eye when he nodded.
4There was a glint in Nolito's eye and grin on his face.
5Notwithstanding the fatigue in his face, there was a glint of triumph there.
6It had only been a glint of sunlight on the water.
7All they need is a glint of snake and they pounce.
8There was a glint of dark youthful passion in Lorna's face.
9Alton's eyes were half closed now, and there was a glint in them.
10Far away, somewhere, was a glint of sunlight, small but full of promise.
11There was a glint in his eye, an accessible giddiness, a likeable roguishness.
12But there was a glint of wonder in his eyes, and now he said:
13There had been a glint of madness in his eyes.
14But a second later there 's a glint in his eye.
15And then, there was a glint of light, hovering somewhere above the mail truck.
16There was a glint of urgency in the animal's gaze.