Encara no tenim significats per a "bear no resemblance".
1The deputies in this book bear no resemblance to the real-life deputies.
2The human heads represented on these bear no resemblance to the Indian types.
3The coast appeared to bear no resemblance to the chart whatsoever.
4Our shrinking daughters bear no resemblance to these Western products.
5You do not look anything like Ajax and your daughter's brothers bear no resemblance to Antinous.
6Who takes responsibility for all these back-of-a-cigarette-pack estimates that ultimately bear no resemblance to the final cost?
7Pollock's very latest authenticated paintings, such as Scent and Search, both done in 1955, bear no resemblance to Kligman's canvas.
8His productions bear no resemblance to those tawdry things which it has, for some time, been the fashion to admire.
9On inspection, Clifford proved to bear no resemblance whatever to Williams, nor did he seem to have any concealed design.
10The Scots are indeed coming - but they bear no resemblance to the howling hordes Mel Gibson presented us in Braveheart.
11The name Falstaff may be a corruption of that of Sir John Fastolf, but their careers and characters bear no resemblance.
12What's more, they'll see that those people bear no resemblance to the heathen masses they learned about in their GNED classes.
13The truth is that they bear no resemblance to known classical features, while they are on the other hand, characteristically Saxon.
14Submissions from the fund industry's trade bodies to the FSB on Monday were adamant that funds bear no resemblance to leveraged banks.
15They bear no resemblance, in any particular, to the laws of St. Edward, or to any other collection of these ancient institutions.
16Some came in a bewildering array of forms which seemed to bear no resemblance to each other, defeating even her visual memory.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Bear no resemblance a través del temps
Bear no resemblance per variant geogràfica