Encara no tenim significats per a "belles lettres".
1Her favourite author in the belles lettres was, of course, Dr. Johnson.
2He intended to devote himself not to law, but to belles lettres.
3He afterwards became professor royal of the belles lettres at Copenhagen.
4They also sent them thither to study belles lettres and philosophy.
5Extrait du Bulletin de L'Academie des inscriptions et belles lettres.
6He was well read in the belles lettres of England and the romanticists of France.
7He devoted a part of his time to belles lettres and the writing of sermons.
8Our equality of age brought us together in the classes of the mathematics and ' belles lettres'.
9I am a professor of belles lettres and philosophy in the Indian College on the Klamath reservation.
10There are usually three lectures daily; the first on sciences, and the other two on belles lettres.
11But would it do for belles lettres?
12He was born at Rimini in 1441, and became Professor of the belles lettres at Venice and Trevisa.
13He cultivated the belles lettres, and under assumed names often contributed verses to the Mercury and other papers.
14In oratory, rhetoric, and the various departments of belles lettres, his attainments were of more than an ordinary character.
15She had some shrewdness, much cunning, and made great pretensions to musical and theatrical taste, and the belles lettres.
16His forte, I understand, is the higher mathematics; my turn, I confess, is more to poetry and the belles lettres.