Encara no tenim significats per a "bicker in".
1The current suspects get to bicker in a stylish basement with insulated walls.
2They ain't sparrows but they still bicker in their damned sleep.
3Deep red bistro chairs and tables are scattered across the tended gravel; crows bicker in the burgeoning foliage of the chestnut trees.
4Another step forward was that Washington and Beijing, at odds on issues ranging from trade to interest rates in 2010, did not bicker in Cancun.
5Rock 'n' Roll, Berry and Richards bickered in rehearsal over playing lead.
6They continued bickering in a depressing, garbled murmur throughout my visit.
7Before he comes through that door and finds us bickering in the hallway.
8The others were all bickering in the smoking carriage, so they didn't see her.
9In the snuff film, two men were bickering in Spanish.
10They departed from the room, the tense atmosphere, leaving the older brothers bickering in the study once more.
11"Please, dear," he whispered, "let's not bicker in front of the snobs."
12Hi's company circled up in a tight bunch, bickering in angry tones that carried all the way to us.
13Stephen and Vera thought nothing of bickering in front of Mr Woodruff, who rated them both and sided with neither.
14Thus, to the high entertainment of the angels, do we pelt each other with evangelists, like schoolboys bickering in the snow.
15I've lipread couples bickering in restaurants, footballers telling referees exactly what they think of them, and on Friday, the royal wedding.
16Only force will deter them. Bickering in the coalition reflects regional rivalries that pit Qatar against Saudi Arabia and its allies.
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