Jebe seemed blithelyunaware of Jochi's whirling thoughts as he spoke.
Or were those old Thaumaturgs of the testing board blithelyunaware of their own subverting of the entire selection process?
Most of us remain blithelyunaware of all the truly terrific things that teachers are involved in during their working lives.
Katherine White is blithelyunaware that she once accompanied me across a courtyard of startlingly similar dimensions, thousands of years ago.
That she was blithelyunaware of this element in her excited utterances was shown by her eager face and animated attitude.
The "phenom" tag is a load to put on anyone's back, especially on that of an easygoing, blithelyunaware young teenager.
In each of three stories happening simultaneously, a cop has lost all perspective on his job yet is blithelyunaware of his own irrationality.
Azarenka claimed to be blithelyunaware that what she did appeared to everyone but her (and to Stephens) to be, well, cheating.
Graciela took a step forward and the priest retreated again, blithelyunaware that only inches separated him from a nasty tumble backward down the steps.
Blithelyunaware of his own danger, Zyrr continued: