Encara no tenim significats per a "blue blouses".
1Other blouses, blue blouses, answered them, We know what we have to do.
2There were also many family parties, and some blue blouses.
3The single street of the town was choked with the black gowns and the cobalt- blue blouses.
4He pointed to the litter, which two men in blue blouses were bringing across the road.
5The insurgents composing it were nearly all dressed in blue blouses, with red sashes round their waists.
6The women, in their high white caps, and the men, in their blue blouses, were sauntering slowly homeward.
7Coming up the street at a wild run were some half-dozen English sailors, their loose blue blouses and trousers flapping madly.
8Three women in grey caps, immaculate blue blouses and starched grey skirts were sitting at a long table checking over voluminous lists.
9Withdrawn into a group for themselves worked a body of Chinese, in loose blue blouses, flappy blue leg-bags and huge conical straw hats.
10They presented a wonderful medley of costume, some wearing brown jackets, others dark greatcoats, and others again blue blouses girded with red sashes.
11All the boulevards were crowded with artisans in blue blouses, hurrying to their homes, as the Harrises drove along the quays to Notre Dame.
12Fortunately there were no less than ten of them, all with red flannel caps and blue blouses, and wearing copper coins about their necks.
13They were passing some fields where, in the slanting rays of the sun, peasants in blue blouses and several women were bending over their toil.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Blue blouses a través del temps
Blue blouses per variant geogràfica