Color; additive and subtractive (RYB) primary color; visible between purple and green.
Examples for "blue"
Examples for "blue"
1Semihard; blue; goat; mellow; small; square; a quarter to a half pound.
2A sea of blue state police cars stood motionless ahead of them.
3For example, left hand to blue crimp, right foot to green pinch.
4The sea was quite calm, the sky was so clear and blue.
5The wind blows soft; the sky is blue; the sun shines bright
1I can't bear that blue color, they remind me of a cat.
2The blue color is a result of compression and repeated thawing and refreezing.
3Monochrome images were combined together in a single red-green- blue color image.
4The striking blue color of some poppy seeds is apparently an optical illusion.
5The Sand-hill species may be distinguished from the Whooping-crane by its slate- blue color.
1I stare into them, and I remember suddenly what the color blue looks like.
2Now, you may quiet emotionally disturbed people by surrounding them with the color blue.
3Because you described it very precisely but you didn't know what color blue it was.
4We're looking for a white female, approximate height five-nine, blond hair, age twenty-one, eye color blue.
5And I really like the color blue.
Translations for blue x11 blue