Person whose profession is to review a work.
Examples for "reviewer"
Examples for "reviewer"
1Data extraction: Independent, dual-reviewer extraction; group consensus rating of certainty of evidence.
2Repetition, the reviewer said, had far more comedic value than he thought.
3One reviewer calls it maybe my best Amazon purchase of the year!
4Which the reviewer at least seems to think is a good thing.
5An FDA reviewer had already said the expanded use should be approved.
1And film reviewer Sarah McMullan gives her verdict of the much anticpated movie.
2Miles Buckingham, film reviewer shares some football releases in time for the World Cup.
3Our film reviewer Dr Richard Swainson reviews Eye in the Sky and The Boss.
4Our regular film reviewer Richard Swainson with an update on how the Oscars are proceeding.
5Our film reviewer Richard Swainson has been to see the new Tarantino movie The Hateful Eight.
1Lynn Freeman first asked Crissi how she sees the role of book reviewer:
2Our book critic Elizabeth Heritage, a writer and book reviewer based in Wellington.
3And now I've become a book reviewer for The New York Review of Books.
4Kate De Goldi is a fiction writer and book reviewer.
5De Goldi is a fiction writer and book reviewer.
6If a masculine book reviewer ever alluded to the book, it was with a sneer.
7ZANY, A., the book reviewer who said Who Was Who was the greatest book ever written.
8What a gentlemanly book reviewer he is always!
9Few egoists are more pathetic than the book reviewer who thinks he or she has power.
10The editor never contradicts a book reviewer.
11Trump makes one believe for a moment in the American dream again, enthused the Times's daily book reviewer.
12Reading, as any hard-pressed book reviewer will tell you, generally ad nauseam, is easily spoiled by overdoing it.
13Laura Kroetsch is director of Adelaide Writers' Week and Kate De Goldi is a fiction writer and book reviewer.
14Orwell had worked for David Astor's Observer since 1942, first as a book reviewer and later as a correspondent.
15Cory Doctorow, one of the site's principal writers, occasionally reviews books there, but he's not a professional book reviewer.
16I always enjoy her almost weekly book reviews and consider her the best book reviewer in this country bar none.
Translations for book reviewer