Encara no tenim significats per a "borrowed car".
1I sighed and thought about getting in my borrowed car and driving away.
2His borrowed car was a good one, in good condition.
3Bostwick departed in the borrowed car at eight.
4Then she got into Blomkvist's borrowed car.
5Their first release, Track With No Name by Sheffield techno outfit Forgemasters, was distributed in a borrowed car.
6I'll be in a borrowed car.
7I'm just who you think I am, Ward Thayer... a man with no home, no job, and a borrowed car.
8Two miles out the sheriff, in a borrowed car, grimly seated at the driver's side, came bearing down upon them.
9The next day, Saturday, they went on a picnic in a borrowed car, taking Izolska & Mrs. Green with them.
10Unaware that he was still being watched by eyes and cameras, he went out cruising alone in his borrowed car.
11The three of us had gone on a garbage run earlier that afternoon, in a borrowed car, a Trans Am, possibly Mitch's.
12He put her bag in the trunk of his borrowed car and they took off for Carmel, singing and laughing like two children.
13The opener, "Pagan Angel and a Borrowed Car," seems simple and melodic until careful listens reveal a complex arrangement underneath.
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