Biological cell in the brain.
1Moreover, we propose NF-IL6 to be a delayed brain cell activation marker.
2Protein S100B is a clinically useful non-invasive biomarker for brain cell damage.
3Fully developed these things link with just about every brain cell, every synapse.
4Old Tou hardly has a brain cell left in his head.
5Every brain cell in his head screamed for him to pull the trigger.
6If the whole thing causes brain cell strain, fear not: It's all moot anyway.
7Turn on the porch light, one rational brain cell suggested.
8We also identified many brain cell type-specific monoallelically expressed genes.
9And mice with bornavirus infections were shown to have new insertions in brain cell DNA.
10He's supposed to be a brain cell or something.
11The genetic predisposition (the push) to become a brain cell is simply not enough.
12Furthermore, we found that infection of these epithelial and brain cell lines is independent of gp120.
13So the glucose door is closed in the brain cell and the ketones door is open.
14A protein that the brain cell generates.
15It's like every brain cell has short-circuited.
16Perhaps, with the proper encoding, it can all be sent before the last Cylon brain cell dies.
Translations for brain cell