Weedy Eurasian plant often a pest in grain fields.
Examples for "charlock"
Examples for "charlock"
1One species of charlock will supplant another, and so in other cases.
2There's nothing on earth that gets you like the smell of charlock.
3On the right the bright canary coloured charlock brimmed the field.
4All summer the hard fight against the charlock, year after year the same.
5You'll have to keep the charlock down, Jerrold, or it'll kill the crops.
1"Then it is field mustard, and not used for salad," said Bluebell, anxious for the last word.
1Motherwort, catnip, plantain, tansy, wild mustard,-whata homely human look they have!
2Poplars whiten, and wild mustard towers on both sides of the path in fragrant yellow clusters.
3Recommends the wild mustard as an aperient.
4The long stems of the wild mustard swayed and parted, and out sprang a figure, which ran straight towards the two young men.
5The wild mustard glowed so like a golden carpet, that the destroying hand of the anxious farmer seemed of the blundering tyranny of labour.