It was a warm day, with few clouds in the brightazure sky.
The rabbits have blue fur, and the ptarmigans' feathers are a brightazure.
Now they display a large glistening sheet of brightazure, by exposing their back to view.
He looked at the box: I saw its clear warm tint and brightazure circlet, pleased his eyes.
To one regarding the horizon attentively there were already some dark spots on the brightazure of the heavens.
He looked at the box: I saw its clear and warm tint, and brightazure circlet, pleased his eyes.
The two women, standing alone under a richly sculptured arch, and relieved against the brightazure sky, embrace each other.
The brightazure color darkened, the crystalline stillness churned, and dozens of squirming dark bodies surged from the ocean's depth in a twisting mass.