A flying insect of the genus Bombus.
Examples for "bumblebee"
Examples for "bumblebee"
1Scientists are not certain what caused North American bumblebee populations to crash.
2The Fox was digging under an old tree and found a bumblebee.
3Both had the same bumblebee-colored warnings, but their associated crates were missing.
4Mammals range in size from blue whales to Thailand's insect-sized bumblebee bat.
5And neither of us mentioned that she looked like a giant bumblebee.
1Rusty patched bumble bee proposed for U.S. endangered species status The U.S.
2When my godson grows up, he wants to be a bumble bee.
3I noticed a foraging bumble bee with a number of parasites on it.
4Like a small but angry bumble bee, Bobby flew at Tim.
5The bumble bee business was really rather childish-butsomehow, you know, it pleased me.
6The only enemy of the bumble bee is the field-mouse.
7A bumble bee hovers on a set of pink flowers in search of nectar.
8File Photo: A rusty patched bumble bee which the U.S.
9A bumble bee stung one and then there were Five.
10I heard a humming like a bumble bee and I jumped to my feet.
11He has trained his Vizsla dog, Ollie, to sniff out underground bumble bee nests.
12It was quite large, bigger than a bumble bee.
13Soon a bumble bee was kicking and quivering like a stricken ox on its surface.
14I occasionally come across a bumble bee nest.
15A rusty patched bumble bee which the U.S.
16It was the size of a bumble bee, with a long snout and looked like a mouse.
Translations for bumble bee