Encara no tenim significats per a "buying clothing".
1Winter came on; he had no means of buying clothing, or better food.
2Our being out so long together; my buying clothing for you--
3I don't go crazy buying clothing or anything like that.
4Chinese shoppers were shown to prefer buying clothing, while Russians most commonly bought watches and jewelry.
5Chinese shoppers were shown to prefer buying clothing, while Russians most commonly bought watches and jewellery.
6The weeks leading up to the holiday are when many shoppers start buying clothing for warmer weather.
7The question of buying clothing ready made or of making it will find individual solution according to means, inclination, and ability
8There's a high-step involved on this "V-Easy," says Reger who now claims he's done buying clothing that are missing gusseted crotches.
9Buying clothing ready made.
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