10⁹ Years; geological unit of time.
1According to my informant the Byr is two hundred yards in depth.
2Byr says a prayer to Frëd as we begin our descent into the valley.
3Byr's gone all churchy on us, Fjoork hasn't bathed in a moon and a half.
4Byr wakes up and catches me staring at Trin.
5Byr says, "Have you ever wanted to be something else?"
6Near this is a well, named Byr Rasheyd.
7I take it back, pretending not to care, and notice that Byr is suppressing a smile.
8Trin and Byr are out in front of him, casting Small Area Fire over and over again.
9We get a lot of shit from other groups for worshipping him, but he's really Byr's deity.
10In the middle of the night, I wake up to Byr and Rostejn whispering in the darkness.
11Trin and Byr suggested marshaling resources.
12Byr is in love with Trin.
13Byr raises her eyebrows at Fjoork, as in, hey, get a load of Grenner the Romantic over here.
14Byr nearly dies, Rostejn nearly dies.
15"A creature that looks like a heap of rotting vegetation," Byr explains.
16Byr has the whole mess laid out in front of her and Fjoork is reading off the scroll of items.