The particular deal that Goldman entered into with Paulson and others was calledABACUS 2007-AC1.
In April, the SEC charged Goldman with civil fraud in connection with the structuring and sale of a debt security calledAbacus 2007.
For three years in a row, the company, calledAbacus, was featured in Inc. magazine's annual list of the fastest-growing enterprises in America.
The deal was calledAbacus 2007-AC1.
Fabrice Tourre, a Goldman vice president accused of being a key figure in creating the so- calledAbacus transaction, was also sued by the SEC.
The SEC contends that Goldman and Tourre misled institutional investors about some of the terms of a subprime mortgage-linked collateralized debt obligation calledAbacus 2007.
Goldman's outside lawyers in the filing downplayed Kreitman's role in engineering the so- called synthetic collateralized debt obligation calledAbacus 2007-AC1.
Tourre, 34, has for more than three years fought the SEC's claims he misled investors in a deal calledAbacus 2007-AC1.
In a lawsuit filed in April 2010, the SEC accused Tourre and Goldman of defrauding investors in a CDO calledAbacus 2007-AC1.
SEC lawyers say Tourre was driven by "Wall Street greed" to mislead investors in the infamous investment calledAbacus 2007-AC1.
That leaves the unit's swaps with Goldman on $1.3 billion in CDOs, calledAbacus, according to the Wall Street Journal, which first reported the news.