We have no meanings for "cant about" in our records yet.
1 I know the value of men's cant aboutprotectingthe 'weaker'sex!
2 Anderson knew the chief officials-capitalmen, with no cant aboutthem.
3 Do not seek refuge in the cant aboutawoman'sweakness.
4 That cant aboutcureswas nevergotupbysoundpractitioners.
5 And then to cant aboutit beingunwomanlytoworkinthehigherprofessions.
6 The press, without inquiry, begins a detestable cant aboutlaboragitatorsmisleadingignorantmen.
7 YOU'RE not going to spring that damned cant about-
8 Now, just think what that might mean; and, for Heaven's sake, don't cant aboutit .
9 The choice rests exclusively with yourself.-Andhere rid your mind of any cant aboutmoralobligations.
10 And there was no pious cant abouther.
11 Don't you insult human relations by dragging all this cant aboutbuyingand sellinginto it.
12 Don't let us cant abouthimnow .
13 There was no cant abouther.
14 The old woman is keeping up her assumption of the character of a devotee by canting about Divine direction.
15 As for the Quarterly cant about"sustainedeffort,"itis impossibletoseethesense ofit.
16 I am very little given to cant aboutthebeautiesofnature,butIwasmoved almosttotears.
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