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Meanings of capture many in anglès
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Usage of capture many in anglès
Dec. 10-Servianscapturemany Austrians and large stores of supplies.
Oct. 22-Russiansdefeat Germans near Warsaw; Russians capturemany Austrian soldiers and some guns in Galicia.
The Mexicans used to capturemany Navajo pappooses and bring them up as bond servants or peons.
None of the three major parties seems able to enthuse its own nominal supporters, never mind capturemany new ones.
He had to suppress contending factions, to conciliate a hostile populace, and to capturemany cities which refused to submit.
President Xi Jinping lamented in June that GDP failed to capturemany important aspects of growth, from welfare to environmental degradation.
But Listen.com has to capturemany more eyeballs - and ears - before it can play on the same stage as Yahoo!
Even if women fail to capturemany seats in November, Dittmar said their presence on the campaign trail would have a snowball effect.
This they do easily, for, when the moon is in the crescent, they hunt the cats with nets, and capturemany of them.
Now, a camera with tunable liquid crystal filters can capturemany colors at once, a team of space-weather researchers reports Nov. 29 in Optics Express.
In spring and early summer, when the young sheep are small, the eagles are constantly on the watch for them, and unquestionably capturemany lambs.
The Institute of Public Affairs has labelled the change "potentially very dangerous" and likely to capturemany third-party groups and impose higher disclosure requirements.
A man-eating tiger that stalked the hills of central India for more than two years, eluded capturemany times and was suspected of k(...)
This basic model has successfully capturedmany aspects of human depth perception.
The story of his blind owner Andrew Gemmell has capturedmany hearts.
He has capturedmany of the Nizam's cities, and several Mahratta provinces.