Immunohistochemical staining revealed that LCN6 protein is abundant in the caput epithelium and lumen.
Quando splendebat lucerna eius super caput meum, et ad lumen eius ambulabam in tenebris?
A CAPITATION tax is a tax on persons (from Latin caput, the head).
Spag11t expression is confined to the caput and it is not expressed in the testis, seminal vesicle or ovary.
Very often, when he passed by me, he would lay his hand softly on my head and murmur, 'Carum caput.'
The autopsy showed the sigmoid flexure gone, and from the caput ceci to the termination the colon only measured 14 inches.
Had Ford and Massinger led more regular lives and written more reasonable sentiments, what a caput mortuum their tragedies would be!
Medicine accounts for more than 99.9% of the per caput effective dose from man-made sources.
I delivered my letters: one was from the tutor, and the other from a regent master, who was one of the caput.
TARZINO'S spring is almost certainly caput after his scratching from the Caulfield Cup due to an apparent injury to a flexor tendon.
Did it lie in their mouths to contend that a foreign settler who establishes an empire in India is a caput lupinum?
The posteromedial metaphyseal extension and the caput-diaphysis angle were measured to be significantly greater in the X-rays than in CT and MRI.
As spermatozoa from the proximal caudal epididymis can fertilize eggs, proteins from the caput and corpus epididymis are required for sperm maturation.
I presume you will call the bug Scarabaeus caput hominis, or something of that kind-thereare many similar titles in the Natural Histories.
Like "a distress," hath left thy caput bare;
Discussion and conclusion: We revealed that nine genes abundantly expressed in the caput and corpus epididymis are dispensable for sperm function and male fecundity.