A professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games.
1He may be a card sharper himself.
2I looked upon Mr. Bundercombe as a card sharper of the ordinary type, and I simply blamed myself for having introduced him to my friends.
3You're nothing more nor less than common card sharpers.
4I'd rather be a Three- Card Sharper than a barrister; I'd rather sell cat's-meat in the streets.
5The card sharpers were treated like honest people.
6Unfortunately, however, there is a very easy means by which card sharpers manage the thing to perfection.
7It won't be long before we arrive at Buenos Ayres, and then we won't be bothered with card sharpers or anybody else but-
8'Regular right down card sharpers and macemen,' said I to myself, as I watched the way in which they faked the pasteboards.
9"Mr. Bundercombe," he said, "calling himself, by the by, Mr. Parker, as an American card sharper was of no interest to us.
Translations for card sharper