All this is just in time to celebrate the urban chariot's centennialanniversary.
Colonel Perkins, of Connecticut, died recently after celebrating his centennialanniversary.
No centennialanniversary commemorates their growth in wealth and intellect.
The production is part of a festival dedicated to the centennialanniversary of the original ballet.
In 1976, the Herald celebrated its centennialanniversary.
We come here to celebrate, through this magnificent exposition, the centennialanniversary of the Louisiana Purchase.
President Trump made the announcement on the centennialanniversary of the 19th amendment, which granted US women the right to vote.
Promoting the museum's centennialanniversary, an image of a tree-lined field was horticulturally etched on to a tree-lined field over two seasons.
This fact was clearly shown in the recent newspaper controversy which grew out of the celebration of the centennialanniversary of Webster's birth.
The decisive battle of the war for independence, whose centennialanniversary will soon be gratefully celebrated at Yorktown, had not yet been fought.
The gift will be paid over the next four years and was made to commemorate the organization's centennialanniversary, the NAACP said in a statement.
On the 23rd of May of this auspicious year the Bahá'í world will celebrate the centennialanniversary of the founding of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh.
Several have celebrated their bi-centennials, while hardly a year passes without the observance of one or more centennialanniversaries.
His business, South of England Hickory Golf, hires out the sets for "vintage golf" outings at courses celebrating special events, such as centennialanniversaries.
A Speech delivered at a Public Dinner in the City of Washington, on the 22d of February, 1832, the CentennialAnniversary of Washington's Birthday.
On the 12th of September, 1835, Emerson delivered an "Historical Discourse, at Concord, on the Second CentennialAnniversary of the Incorporation of the Town."