Methods: Cannulas were implanted in the lateral cerebralventricle.
Basic fibroblast growth factor-neutralizing antibody, when infused continuously in the cerebralventricle, also exhibited a neurotoxic effect in ischemic but not intact gerbils.
Infusion of platelet factor 4 into the cerebralventricle of intact gerbils did not affect learning ability or CA1 neuron number.
Results from lumbar punctures and those from cerebralventricles were confronted.
Clonidine blocked stress-induced reinstatement of drug seeking when injected systemically or into the cerebralventricles.
We also examined the effects of infusing the combination of steroids directly into the central nervous system via the lateral cerebralventricles.
At 2 years of age both twins had pneumoencephalography which demonstrated normal air passage through the aqueduct and cerebralventricles of normal size and morphology.