Municipal corporation that oversees public housing within the city of Chicago, Illinois, United States.
1No-cha was in the garden, occupied in weaving the belt of dragon-sinew.
2While Hill remains among the leading ladies of country music, her cha
3The correct reading, as given in the Bombay text, is Vidhitsasadhanena cha.
4Walk around here where i can get a good look at cha'.
5The correct reading is cha after arthan and not twam after it.
6Asau cha no vetti mam is explained as a due to karanabhat.
7Deprived of his magic weapons, No-cha fled to his master, T'ai-i Chên-jên.
8Here is a look at various polls gauging Americans' views on climate cha
9Lohitantargata-drishtih is explained by the commentator as Lohita antargata cha drishtirasya.
10At the time of his father's visit No-cha was absent from the temple.
11Nilakantha points out that one of the cha's indicates the reason or cause.
12Lif' me, lif' me-lif 'meaway f'um hyah in er cha'iot o' FIAH!
13Kama and krodha are mentioned: but the use of cha gives by implication cupidity.
14No-cha did not know that this was the spiritual weapon belonging to the fort.
15When No-cha reached the gate of Heaven it was closed.
16Unless cha be taken as equivalent to va the verse would yield no meaning.