Encara no tenim significats per a "change since".
1His primitive ideas on woman had undergone a change since his marriage.
2There's been a deal of change since you were here last, sir.
3We haven't seen any change since the prices changed, he said.
4And for me, this is the most remarkable change since the Soviet era.
5The change since the turn of the millennium has been breathtaking.
6The biggest change since March is that our toddler isn't in daycare anymore.
7There has been no change since I last wrote to him.
8There has been no change since then-nochange that frees me.
9What a change since the days when the Mountain governed France!
10These years had passed quietly at Stoneborough, with little change since Mary's marriage.
11Others see a change since al-Qaeda's 2001 attacks on America.
12The meeting is the most critical on climate change since the 2015 Paris agreement.
13This fourteen point fall is the largest monthly change since the index was established.
14The industry has been announcing strategies for change since 2015.
15The only substantial change since my day was the names.
16It has been considering such a change since last year.
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