A card (usually plastic) that assures a seller that the person using it has a satisfactory credit rating and that the issuer will see to it that the seller receives payment for the merchandise delivered.
Veure'n més 1 Not having his charge plate with him, he produced his driver's license as identification.
2 Despite himself, BC snorted and reached into his breast pocket, pulled out a wafer-thin rectangle the size of a charge plate .
3 Installing charging plates under the routes is far less daunting than electrifying the whole transit network.
4 In public transit, induction relies on magnetic charge plates beneath roadways and a counterpart inside the bus.
5 Electrostatic speakers, which make music by vibrating diaphragms between oppositely charged plates , have been around since the '50s.
6 The basic idea is to explore the electric field around an electric charge or between two electrically charged plates .
7 When an induction-capable bus passes over that charging plate , the two magnets become "tuned," and current flows to charge the on-board battery.
8 The Lumia 920 supports wireless charging , and AT&T is running a promotion through Jan 10th for a free wireless charging plate .
Gramàtica, pronunciació i més
Translations for charge plate