Encara no tenim significats per a "childish innocence".
1And so we can afford to-day to laugh at his childish innocence.
2It's a heavily edited sepia world of friendly neighbourhoods and childish innocence.
3Children asked questions of childish innocence: What's making that noise, Mama?
4The girl was a refreshing mixture of world-old wisdom and almost childish innocence.
5With their consoling rivers of ganache, they have an air of childish innocence.
6But how delightful is the picture of childish innocence and self-forgetfulness!
7But he understood also the childish innocence and involuntariness of this view of hers.
8She observed and resented the childish innocence, rebuking it smartly.
9She held out her hand while her big, stupid, appealing hazel eyes expressed childish innocence.
10The painted Nadia displayed a childish innocence that was reflected in the trinket cupped in her hands.
11He had been neatly dressed in a new suit of clothes and looked the embodiment of childish innocence.
12My poverty, my small dwelling have given me the most precious memories of my daughters in their childish innocence.
13Nor did just childish innocence perish amid the fires of the World Trade Centre and the fallen masonry of the Pentagon.
14Their plan of discipline, indeed, hitherto had kept their pupils rather in a state of childish innocence than of manly improvement.
15The boy too caused him great trouble, for he lacked appreciation of the charm of childish innocence, the spell of childish character.
16She came hesitatingly to me, and gave the coveted salute with a delicious mingling of maidenly shyness and childish innocence and frankness.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Childish innocence a través del temps
Childish innocence per variant geogràfica