A small evergreen tree that originated in Asia but is widely cultivated for its fruit.
Examples for "lemon"
Examples for "lemon"
1The lemon was squeezed; the girls left the rest in the gutter.
2However, Argentina has yet to export one lemon to the United States.
3Squeeze out the amount needed and store the lemon in the ice-box.
4Vera pinched a lemon free and held it under a neon light.
5Add some lemon icing or fruit when serving for the best results.
1They even sold lemons back to the neighbor with the lemon tree.
2I imagined that Eloise would love this little lemon tree called Ponderosa.
3Even the gnarled lemon tree that grew right outside the window was invisible.
4Dany had her own room there, with a lemon tree outside her window.
5The ancients believed that the lemon tree came originally from Persia.
1These results suggest that Citrus limon and Pomegranate has phytochemicals and essential nutrients which boost memory, particularly short term memory.
2We also determined that wounding, salt and cell culture stress produced transcriptional activation of this novel retroelement in Citrus limon.
3Here, we report the isolation and molecular analysis of a novel tandemly organized repetitive DNA sequence from the genome of Citrus limon.
Translations for citrus limon