However, contrary to expectations, cognitivereappraisal declined over time while substance use coping increased.
However, using emotion expression and cognitivereappraisal strategies during conflict protected couples who slept less from inflammatory reactivity.
Possibly, cognitivereappraisal might be less able to overcome the influence of negative forecasting of self-relevant negative emotional stimuli.
In the present study we examined this form of cognitivereappraisal using a new adaptation of a classic emotion regulation task.
We examined the effects of cognitivereappraisal and expressive suppression on the inertia of behavioural, subjective and physiological measures of emotion.
A common emotion regulation strategy, cognitivereappraisal, involves altering the meaning of a situation so that the emotional response to the situation is changed.
We propose that these responses are caused by a cognitivereappraisal of pain, where painful retaliation is expected to be rewarding instead of threatening.