Leader of a university or a college.
1Milton is a college president as is Dwight, as is Harold Stassen.
2What other living college president has an entire museum dedicated to him?
3They sent a report of the trial to the college president.
4His college diploma and a letter from the college president were his references.
5Chancellor Black, the head of Stillwater, was an up-to-date college president.
6There are many distinguished qualities which a college president must possess.
7And I have heard that the Corletts are intimate friends of the college president.
8My ultimate goal is to one day become the first rock star college president.
9His acquaintance included but one woman of that profession-andshe was a college president.
10He was to be a college president-buta great poet would be even better.
11Athletic coaches should not be paid higher than a college president or senior level administrators.
12No scholars of mine have ever gone before the college president better prepared than they.
13He was not that sort of, a college president.
14Why not be just as polite and respectful to him as to the college president?
15Few girls would have come to a college president on such a mission as hers.
16A woman's college president, a surgeon or a senator?
Translations for college president