Linguistic element peculiar to colloquial speech.
Examples for "colloquialism"
Examples for "colloquialism"
1He had personal reasons to know the fundamental accuracy of the colloquialism.
2There, Mr. Editor, you have a pleasing comminglement of romance and colloquialism.
3But in everyday speech a certain amount of colloquialism is inevitable.
4The richness of colloquialism moved the vicar of Mount Dunstan to deep enjoyment.
5The colloquialism escaped Homosoto, but he got the gist of it.
1Mrs. Quabarl, to use a colloquial expression, was knocked off her perch.
2I was surprised to hear such a colloquial expression come out of her mouth.
3With regard to questions of devotion the unbeliever, to use a colloquial expression, is not necessarily damned.
4I said that the squeaking sound that guy is making is god awful- 'God awful' is a colloquial expression.
5He, however, to use a colloquial expression, had never been to see for himself, being neither musician, theologian, or metaphysician.
1He thinks, speaks, and dreams "shop," as the colloquial phrase has it.
2To use a modern colloquial phrase, the cases were "framed up."
3The ball has been called the Brazuca, a colloquial phrase that references something intrinsically Brazilian in style.
4To use a common colloquial phrase, he was a man of genius, if ever there was one.
5For him the coachman and the guard, the chambermaid and the laundress, pore over their English grammars and colloquial phrase books.
1Tote in this sense is defined in our standard dictionaries as a colloquial word of the Southern States, used especially by the negroes.
2In the original it is sometimes difficult to read, for Folengo has no objection to using the most colloquial words and phrases.
3And that will be reflected in the conversations you hear on Radio New Zealand where there will be many colloquial words and phrases used.
4'Not that one wants to "shirk" anything,' he added, putting the colloquial word between the audible equivalents of inverted commas.
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Translations for colloquial word