Variation of the color cyan which is identical to the color electric cyan, one of the three secondary colors of the HSV color wheel.
Examples for "aqua"
Examples for "aqua"
1The material sold in three grades-prime ,mazzano ;seconds ,unaaqua; thirds, skart.
2The water was a cool aqua, the sky a deeper, truer blue.
3For those living in the city, it's been a summer of aqua-catastrophes.
4Toto flopped down on the thick aqua carpet and licked his balls.
5It was black with custom aqua and pink swirls on the sides.
1The walls were made of concrete blocks painted a light aqua color.
2She frowned at the water, trying to think what the milky aqua color reminded her of.
3So I tapped it, the button turned the aqua color of my sent messages, and Google and I were off and running.
1A dazzling neon blue tide in San Diego, California, has filled its beaches with electric aqua colours.
Translations for color aqua