Shade of yellow named for its resemblance to the fruit.
Examples for "lemon"
Examples for "lemon"
1The lemon was squeezed; the girls left the rest in the gutter.
2However, Argentina has yet to export one lemon to the United States.
3Squeeze out the amount needed and store the lemon in the ice-box.
4Vera pinched a lemon free and held it under a neon light.
5Add some lemon icing or fruit when serving for the best results.
1Walls are lemon color, quaint balconies and lattices are green.
2A lemon color of the skin is usually present.
3The product should possess only a light- lemon color.
4You want all the sugar granules to dissolve and the mixture to be a thick lemon color.
5Cream until light lemon color, then add
1It may be any of these colours -brown ,deepgreen, pale orange, flesh colour , cream, bright red, brick colour , lemon, or pure white.
1Darkness drew closer about the country; the sky was lemon colour, the fells were black.
2The fog had thinned to a light lemon colour.
3A beautiful, dark-eyed girl with a skin tinged with the faintest lemon colour walked into the room.
4It is of a pale lemon colour; and is considered more durable for trenails than any other-thatof the locust excepted.
5Nancy did what she could for her, with severe little smocks of blue and lemon colour, and duly started her to school with the boys.
1Sometimes Margaret colored lemon jelly with red raspberry juice, and piled sugared raspberries around the mould.
2Semihard; smooth; mellow; a kind of Cheddar, lightly colored lemon; yellow; strong, sharp taste but hardly any smell.
Translations for color lemon