Encara no tenim significats per a "come tempest".
1So restless are the waves of the ocean before the coming tempest.
2And yet-andyet-therewas a sense of coming tempest in the very air.
3To rest succeeds activity; after calm comes tempest; out of placid dream bursts reality.
4The coming tempest is no less a great wind.
5Rather they were the storm-signs of a coming tempest, already darkening above an innocent head.
6In his own house he would be master, and if there came tempests he would rule them.
7All this was to prevent a stampede should the coming tempest be accompanied by wind and hail.
8Both sounds told of the coming tempest.
9In short, everything betokened a coming tempest.
10Behind them I heard the vast and busy waters rolling on, like the voice of the coming tempest.
11Some of our men once looked out for the coming tempest, and buffeted him well for their disappointment.
12As he prognosticated the coming tempest and comprehended its fearful issue, he became transformed in aspect like one inspired.
13She was obliged to struggle against these harbingers of the coming tempest, and her heart grew lighter during the conflict.
14I know not what danger, nor whence it may come ; but I feel it, as one feels a coming tempest.
15This portended change; and by evening, after we had reached La Spezzia, earth, sea, and air were conscious of a coming tempest.
16The anxious father had noted the coming tempest; and, with hands to his mouth, was shouting orders to the young gentlemen to return.